From January 2017 to May 2022, I worked as PhD researcher at the Institute of Law, Technology, and Society at Tilburg University. The topic of my PhD was the use of Risk Profiling by national law enforcement actors. More broadly speaking, my research focuses on the regulation of all kinds of data driven systems including automated decision-making and profiling systems, with a specific focus on fundamental rights, such as the right to data protection, privacy, and non-discrimination.
I have worked on various research projects in the realm of new technologies and fundamental rights, such as: Big Data and Security Policies: Serving Security, Protecting Freedom (Scientific Council for Government Policy, 2016); Public sector data ethics: From principles to practice (Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, 2017); De modernisering van het Nederlands procesrecht in het licht van big data: Procedurele waarborgen en een goede toegang tot het recht als randvoorwaarden voor een data-gedreven samenleving (WODC, 2020).
In addition I have published on various topics of data protection legislation and regulation of AI and Big Data. Currently I am working as a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Law, Technology, and Society at Tilburg University on the regulation of data and AI for the MegaMind program.
In the MegaMind program, I will be researching how European and national legislation may enable local markets and which regulatory changes are needed to facilitate/accelerate the creation of local markets for the efficient integration of demand side flexibility connected to the local distribution grid. Relevant regulatory principles (such as sustainability, affordability innovation, non-discrimination, transparency, fairness, etc.) will be identified and compared to the current regulatory framework. This also includes assessing the regulation for different types of data and automated processes needed for local markets, to see if there are challenges for localized market-based coordination in the grid-edge. The final aim is to move to recommendations for an improved regulatory framework.
I chose to work on the MegaMind program because there is a clear need for innovative regulatory frameworks for the energy market, given the challenges in implementing the energy transition towards renewable energy. This challenge has a huge societal impact and thus it is a crucial topic to contribute to as a researcher. The MegaMind project is a unique cooperation between many stakeholders and between scientific disciplines. Through this project I hope to contribute to important research for our energy transition but also to learn valuable insights from my colleagues on the project and to set the foundations for important interdisciplinary collaborations.