Vision of success
Our Vision of Success is: Self-management in the Edge of the Electricity System.
Our vision of success is a new way in which value-chain partners in local electricity systems (the electricity grid edge) interact with each other and with the higher-level electricity system. We envision a highly self-managed system that automatically and dynamically steers electrical energy flows within the technical boundaries of the network and while the energy transition unfolds. Two system edges come together here. Firstly, the edge of the electricity system: the mid and low voltage electricity networks, being the capillaries of the energy system, plus the (systems of) all connected customers. Secondly, the edge of the data communication systems, that rapidly gains a role as a location of strong and/or abundant processing power (edge computing, internet of things). Using local data, distributed forms of Artificial Intelligence, data sharing and local market mechanisms, the automated systems of the local value-chain partners jointly self-manage the electricity grid edge, with minimal human interaction, in order to optimally balance electricity demand and renewable supply within the constraints of available network capacity. Where needed, these interactions follow transparent and fair mechanisms, based on localised market mechanisms, data sharing technology and novel energy regulation. Where possible, stakeholders use advanced distributed forms of machine learning to gain insight in (near-) future system states and situations as input for their own operational optimizations[1].
[1] A note on terminology: With the term electricity system, we refer to the complete techno-economic ecosystem: the physical infrastructure, all connected parties (consumers, producers), the electricity markets and related commodity trade parties (energy suppliers, trade companies, ect.) The electricity system is part of the wider energy system, that also include similar ecosystems regarding heat, gas, fuel. Where the MEGAMIND innovations in the electricity system have a greater impact, we use the term energy system.